Traditional Woodworking & Joinery
When I first began woodworking, I primarily used power tools. Over time I came to appreciate hand tools, and traditional joinery.
To learn the craft, I built my tool cabinets with the same care I use today building a display cabinet, side table, or hutch. With each of these cabinets, I researched and tried increasingly difficult joinery following time honored techniques.
Today I build all of my cabinets with hand cut joinery for the beauty, and strength that will outlive me by generations.

saw till - santos mahogany

saw till - 2

saw till - 3

saw till - 4

router bit cabinet - sapele, maple, ebony, oak

router bit cabinet - 2

router bit cabinet - bit access

small tools cabinet - mahogany, maple, ebony

small tools cabinet - 2

small tools cabinet - 3

small tools cabinet - 4